Things We Read This Week


Lots of things about social media history, and some of the utterly fucked up things that Facebook has pulled off in the name of profit, have rolled across our vision this week, as Facebook's plans to potentially federate with ActivityPub have crystallized a bit and large instance administrators may or may not have met with them under NDA.

Netnews: The Origin Story (draft version) by Steven M. Bellovin, about the

"A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy" by Clay Shirky

How to Kill a Decentralized Network (such as the Fediverse) by Ploum, which talks in large part about how Google embraced and then effectively killed XMPP (not mentioned: Facebook Messenger also used XMPP around the same time and did most of the same things that Google did), and how Microsoft tried to kill Samba and Open/LibreOffice.

this TikTok by uzoiswho, which we saw Are0h post. Pull quote: "Being nonbinary is a way of life. ... Are you dismantling the binaries in your life or are you just an agent of patriarchy that uses they/them pronouns?"

Twitter thread about the Noodler's Ink antisemitism controversy from last year that I somehow missed. Thread doesn't note the complete resolution but the gist of it is that Nathan discontinued a few inks, renamed about a dozen, made a $3600 USD donation to the ADL, and shops still carry his inks.

Also had the misfortune of reading someone (who we choose not to name because she's not worth the time) try to defend herself from us calling out degendering by saying it was actually validating to use the other's correct pronouns. Technically correct, I guess, she did use she/they for someone whose pronouns are she/they, but choosing "they" in the post where you exclude them from "transfemmes" is not subtle.

I have read Serano's short article and her books on transmisogyny so many times that I was trying to look for something else as a palate cleanser and came across The Anatomy of Transmisogynoir by Ashlee Marie Preston.